Pepper-Framed Eggs

I’ve got another great breakfast recipe for you! All this one takes is a pepper, egg and a bit of bacon and you’ve got yourself a delicious, protein-packed breakfast!


  • 1 Red Pepper
  • 1 Egg
  • 1 Slice Turkey Bacon

The first step is to cut your pepper  to make the “frame”. Something along the lines of this:

Red pepper Slice

Place your pepper on a non-stick frying pan and then crack your egg into the middle of it. At this point you may need to hold your pepper frame flat so that the egg whites don’t drip out of it but if they do, don’t worry about it, it will still taste the same!

Now as your egg and pepper are cooking you can chop up your turkey bacon and cook it along side the egg.

At this time I like to put a lid on the frying pan to cook the egg a bit faster without needing to flip the frame which is a bit risky! Cook your egg to your liking and then remove it from the pan and place the bacon on top. You’ll end up with something delicious:

Pepper-Framed Eggs

Now mash it all up and eat eat eat

This recipe is approximately 100 calories per pepper-framed egg! Awesome!

How to Make Tasty Tilapia


Sometimes healthy food can seem to get a little bland and it might be hard to muster the energy to look up a new and interesting recipe when you could just cook up a pizza. But this tilapia recipe is as easy as it gets and it honestly cooks in less time than a pizza!


  • 4 tilapia filets
  • 1 lemon
  • Red pepper flakes

All you have to do is preheat your oven to 350F and place your fish in an oven safe dish. Cut up your lemon so that each filet has one slice on it and then squeeze the rest of the lemon over the fish. Shake your red pepper flakes all over the filets, I love flavour so I put a lot on them but that’s up to you of course!

Put the fish in the oven and cook for about 10 minutes. The fish is done when it flakes easily. Tilapia soaks up flavour like nothing else so it may take a couple tries to get it exactly how you like it but once you do it’s one tasty dinner and just as good the next day:


What do you like to serve with your tilapia?

Black Bean Brownies

Black Bean Brownies

WAY Better than you think they’ll be

Black Bean Brownies? What?

Give ’em a try, you may surprise yourself. About 116 calories per brownie and one recipe will make 16 brownies.


  • 1/2 cup of black beans
  • 1/4 tsp sea salt
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/2 cup honey
  • 1/2 cup whole grain quick oats
  • 2 tbsp cocoa powder
  • 1 cup carob chips
  • 4 tbsp vegetable oil

Preheat the oven to 350F. Put all of the ingredients in a food processor and mix them as well as you can (the oats may keep it a bit lumpy but try to mix those beans well).

Pour the mixed ingredients into a brownie pan and cook for 15 minutes. You can test if the brownies are done by putting a toothpick in the centre and if it comes out clean they’re done! However if you’re like me then the toothpick will come “clean enough” and you’ll those bad boys while they’re still hot!!

Bring some to a party and don’t tell them there’s beans in it – they’ll never know!! ….Unless they’re allergic of course.

Tuna Quinoa Salad

So Tasty!


This is a very refreshing lunch that is easy to take to work and yummy. This recipe serves one.


  • 1 can light tuna
  • 1/4 cup uncooked quinoa
  • 1 tbsp light hummus
  • Yellow Mustard
  • cucumber
  • tomato

The first thing you need to do is cook the quinoa in 1/2 cup of water.

As the quinoa is cooking you can cut up some cucumber and tomato chunks, as much or as little as you like.

Open the can of tuna and drain the water from the can. Transfer the tuna to a container and add the hummus. Mix together and add the mustard to taste. Mix in the veggies next.

The quinoa will start to boil, at which point you can turn down the heat and let it cook for a few more minutes. Once it is cooked you can let it sit for a few minutes to cool a bit and then add it to the tuna!

You can eat just the tuna quinoa salad or put it on a rice cake for some extra crunch!

Each serving of salad is approximately 400 calories depending on how much of the veggies you add plus rice cakes.


Black Bean Turkey Chili

Winter Food

Winter Food


I’ve never been a big bean person. If a recipe called for beans I would just skip them. That includes several batches of bean-less turkey chili which doesn’t even really make much sense! Well I guess now that I’ve graduated from University, I must be an adult or something because I’ve been eating beans and all kinds of other vegetables lately. I actually even made myself a snack of red peppers and cucumber the other day, AND I ENJOYED IT! WHAAAAT??

Well this is the recipe for Black Bean Turkey Chili that I had for lunch at work the other day. You can make a really good sized batch and have leftovers for the rest of the week!


  • 1 lbs Lean Ground Turkey
  • 1/4 Cup Chopped Onions
  • 1 Cup Frozen Veggies
  • 1/2 Can Rinsed Black Beans
  • 1 Can Diced Tomatoes
  • 2 tbsp Brown Sugar
  • Garlic Powder
  • Yellow Mustard
  • Salt
  • Chili Pepper

Almost everything in this recipe is going to be “to taste” so you can make the recipe your own!

  1. The first step is to brown the turkey with the onions and then transfer them to a big pot.
  2. Add the frozen veggies, black beans, and tomatoes.
  3. As the pot starts to heat up you can mix in the brown sugar and then add the rest of the spices.
  4. Make sure you taste your chili as you cook it to ensure you have a good mixture of spices.

The whole process takes about 30 minutes and should serve three at about 350 calories each.

Anyone else have a good chili recipe? What about a favourite winter food?

It’s Snack Time!

Microwave Apple Crisp

Try Not To Drool


Microwaved Apple Crisp. About as tasty as it gets and my favourite pick-me-up when 3 o’clock rolls around and all I want to do is nap!

This healthy snack is about 300 calories.


  • 1 Apple
  • 30g 100% Whole Grain Quick Quaker Oats
  • 1 tbsp Brown Sugar
  • Cinnamon to taste
  • 10 Almonds

All you have to do for this quick snack is chop up your apple into slices and place them in a microwave safe bowl. Add the rest of the ingredients to the bowl mixing them around with a spoon to ensure coverage over the apple slices.

Place the bowl in the microwave for approximately 1 minute or until the apples start to soften.

As tempting as it may be to eat this snack immediately, I suggest you wait just a minute for the apples to cool or you might burn your tongue and not be able to taste anything anymore!

Enjoy your healthy snack that should keep you awake and full until dinner (which is turkey chili but we’ll save that for another post).


Easy and Tasty Pork Salad Rolls

Finished Salad Roll

So some of the food we make is a lot tastier than it looks. These salad rolls kind of look like alien eggs but they are probably my favourite thing to eat at the moment.

And they are so easy to make! This recipe makes about 6 medium sized rolls; one serving is two rolls and about 365 calories.


  • 6 sheets of Rice paper – 35 calories each
  • 15 oz Pork Loin Chop – 130 calories each
  • 50g Cucumber
  • 65g Uncooked Rice Vermicelli Noodles – 75 calories per serving
  • Romaine Lettuce

The first step is to chop up and cook the pork. While the pork is browning, boil about 4 cups of water and chop up the cucumber in long thin slices.

Once the water has come to a boil, add the vermicelli noodles and cook for about 2 minutes then remove from heat.

All your ingredients should be ready to eat at this point except the rice paper. Fill a bowl with warm water and submerge one sheet of rice paper in the water for about 5 seconds. Be careful that you don’t break the paper while it’s in the bowl.

Remove the paper from the water and place it on a large plate. At this point you can start adding your ingredients. Place a few slices of cucumber on the rice paper with the lettuce and a few pieces of pork. Finally, pile on as many noodles as you like.

How to make Salad Rolls

This is where things get tricky. The rice paper should be nice and sticky at this point and it rips easy. Take one corner and pull it off the plate slowly covering a half inch of the ingredients. Do the same on the opposite side of the plate so that you should have two ends of the roll covered by the rice paper.

Take an open edge and pull it as far across the roll as you can. Take the last open edge and do the same ensuring that all the ingredients are covered. If your roll ends up looking like this:

Ugly Salad Roll

Don’t worry, it will still taste just a good. You might just require a couple extra napkins!

You can serve your salad rolls with peanut sauce, we prefer San-J Gluten Free Thai-Style Peanut Sauce which is 80 calories per 2 tablespoons.

Some alternatives include carrots, shrimp or chicken. You can also easily make these vegetarian by removing the meat and simply adding more veggies!


How do you like your salad rolls?

Fried Egg and Potato Mash


So you had a big workout this morning and now you’re absolutely ready for BIG but HEALTHY meal. If you’re tired of scrambled egg whites and quick oats then we have a great solution: Fried Egg and Potato mash – Healthy style!

This tasty – and filling – breakfast is aproximately 396 calories give or take a few calories from veggies.


  • 1 tbsp Coconut oil – 130 calories
  • 1 red skin potato (approx 85 g) – 70 calories
  • 1 turkey pepperoni stick – 100 calories
  • 1 medium egg – 66 calories
  • 1/4 cup egg whites – 30 calories
  • Assorted vegetables (onions, bell peppers, tomatoes…)

The first step is to grate or cut up the potato, I used a cheese grater because it’s quick and cuts the potato thinly so that it cooks faster.

Heat up the coconut oil and then add the chopped up potatoes. This is also the ideal time to add any onions you may have.

Make sure to cook the potatoes evenly, stir them up often. Once the potatoes have started to brown, add in your chopped up pepperoni and any other vegetables you have.

At this point it’s time to cook the eggs. In order to keep the dish total low, I just move the potato mash to the side of the pan and crack the egg on the side. The next step is to add the egg whites right on top of the egg you just cracked. If your pan is small like mine is, you might notice the egg running into the potato mash. This is absolutely nothing to worry about, it’ll still cook.

I like to cook my eggs so that the yoke is still runny, I do this by cooking the egg on one side until the egg white is cooked up to about a half an inch around the yoke, then flipping it and letting it cook for another minute.

Now for the presentation: put the potato mash on your plate first then cover it with the fried egg. This way, when you break the yoke it will soak into the potatoes in the most delicious way ever.

The only step left is to enjoy your breakfast!


Other healthy options include:

  • Sweet Potato/Yam instead of red potato
  • Turkey or Chicken sausage
  • 1/2 cup egg whites to replace the whole egg
  • All the vegetables you could want

The Welcome Mat

Welcome to the blog the masterminds behind Instagram’s @dscfit have decided to start!

Follow our blog to see detailed recipes, fitness posts and other fun things that you wouldn’t get with just Instagram. We’re going to attempt to keep this bad boy updated regularly in order to force ourselves to try new and (hopefully) tasty recipes.

Let’s get things started with an introduction in case you just happened to StumbleUpon us. We are a sister team in Canada trying to live the fit life while still enjoying our food and (often alcoholic) drinks. The current writer of this post is Dominique (me). I’m the older and wiser of the two of us though there are still two sisters older than myself (they’re not invited to the blog until they can send me one healthy recipe!). I’m a recent University grad with a lovely degree in Business Administration and I’m currently a part of the large and growing pool of un- and under-employed new grads plaguing this beautiful land.

Sydnee is the baby of the family. She’s working as a waitress while she goes to school at the local University but come January she will be studying abroad in Wales so if there’s anyone out that way, give her a shout!

We are both basketball players by nature and are desperately looking forward to the start of our women’s league season in October! Here’s hoping all our working out and cardio will show up big time in the first few games.

Our goals are simple:

  • Be Healthy
  • Be Happy

These two goals are essentially one and the same for us. It’s difficult for either of us to be happy if we’re not being healthy. Maybe we will temporarily enjoy a good candy binge but the regret afterwards is rarely worth it. And maybe a salad doesn’t sound that great for lunch but once you load that bad boy up with a bunch of healthy and delicious ingredients, it can be just as good as a sub sandwich (minus the bread. Mmmmmm bread…).

So, welcome to our blog and we hope you can find some useful information with maybe a bit of entertainment along the way! Feel free to subscribe/follow/like/share/whatever with your friends!